• Palmiotti’s Playground

    Tales of the Persian wild ass

    By Jimmy Palmiotti (COMBO #27) – I’d met Howard Porter a couple of times at busy conventions but did not have the chance to really speak to him mano a mano until I got assigned to ink a JLA cover—for some other comics mag—over his pencils. What impressed me about the cover was how tight and confident Howard’s linework was on that piece and how well it was done. I had a ball working on it, and got to do that “pencil­er/ink­er” bonding thing over the phone that day, which made doing this interview a little easier. How­ard’s not a new guy—he’s paid his dues on a number of books,…

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  • Palmiotti’s Playground

    Billy the cross-dresser?

    When you hear Billy Tucci’s, name you think of his super-smash comic book Shi. When I hear Billy’s name, I smile and ask, “What’s that freak up to now?” I say this lovingly, because Billy is one of my closest friends (who doesn’t owe me money). He still amazes me with the barrage of insane ideas he comes up with. The funny thing is that out of all those ideas comes one or two that can actually work! His brain is constantly working on his next scheme, whether it be a convention on the aircraft carrier Intrepid in New York Harbor or starting a nature park for American buffalo. The thing…

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